1) Install Php 5.2.3
-> window installer version
-> choice web server: iis4isapi
-> choice extensions:
- GD2
- Multi-Byte String (mbstring, for PhpMyAdmin)
- Mcrypt
- Zip
2) Test Php
-> create a php file with following content
<?php phpinfo(); ?>-> work!
3) Install MySQL 5.0.41
-> setup.exe version
4) Config Php
-> edit config file: php.ini
-> uncomment following lines for extensions:
extension = php_mbstring.dllextension = php_mysql.dll-> update following paths to support session: (PhpMyAdmin requires session support)
upload_tmp_dir="C:\PROGRA~1\PHP\upload"session.save_path="C:\PROGRA~1\PHP\session"-> add
IUSR_ with edit permission for above folders
-> restart computer
* to stop iis: net stop iisadmin (it will stop all iis related service)
* to start www service: net start w3svc
* to start ftp service: net start msftpsvc
* to start smtp service: net start smtpsvc
5) Install PhpMyAdmin 2.10.2
-> create a folder named phpmyadmin under web folder
-> unzip to phpmyadmin folder
6) Test PhpMyAdmin
-> browse
http://localhost/phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php-> work!